Operational &
Acceptance Testing

Our commissioning team will ensure your instrumentation, control, and building systems are installed, tested, operated, and maintained according to every owner’s project requirements. This process is essential to your operations’ performance, safety, and efficiency, directly affecting your bottom line.

Mundial Group’s testing suite offers:

Manual Testing

Alert Monitoring

Regression Testing

Unit Testing

Integration Monitoring

Operational and Functional Acceptance Testing is a critical final step in software testing prior to implementation and live operation. Our testing aims to reduce chances of failure and makes the transition into live production seamless and secure.

Industries We Serve

Mundial Group guarantees that your industrial operation hits the ground running and continues to operate at peak levels for the long run. Whether you are a general contractor overseeing construction and startup, or an industrial manufacturing company, we’re ready to optimize your operations with the utmost efficiency.

EV/Battery Manufacturing
Airline Industry
Chemical Plants
Data Centers
Distribution Centers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between user acceptance testing and operational acceptance testing?

User Acceptance Testing (UAT), also known as “black box testing”, focuses on the user experience, making sure the software meets user expectations and aligns with industry standards and owner requirements.

On the other hand, Operational Readiness Testing (ORT) tests:

– Software functionality
– Accessibility
– Stability
– Monitoring alerts

What is the purpose of operational testing?

Operational testing is done to measure the efficiency, durability, and operational readiness of software before it’s deployed on the production server.

What are the 4 types of acceptance testing?

Alpha Testing
Takes place before the software is released publicly to eliminate and resolve any issues.

Beta Testing
A testing period where the software is given to a target group to test for efficiency in real-world performance.

Customer Acceptance Testing
The customer tests the product. This occurs if the software is not owned by the organization that developed it.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
Software is tested by existing or potential users including the customer, customer’s customer, or the general public.

What are the 3 types of functional tests?

Smoke Testing
Testing primary features to determine if a new build can sustain more exhaustive tests.

Sanity Testing
Testing the capabilities of specific functions.

Regression Testing
Re-visiting testing to ensure modifications made to the software haven’t interfered with existing functions.